Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ed Balls and the wannabes

I don't know quite what it is, but Ed Balls just doesn't do it for me.

He says the right things - after all it's hard not to hit a big motionless target like a Tory dough mountain - but its so clearly rhetoric when real substance is needed. And by substance I mean a sense of outrage or dismay that might have scared Andrew Marr into pressing the panic button for security. That MIGHT have made me think it mattered.

I just can't get past the political career ladder I see in the background every time he is talking.

He was on BBC's Andrew Marr show this morning, and the ladder was extending ever upward with each rung rattling and creaking under the strain. Even when his host gave him the opportunity to back out from posturing and comment on Michael Heseltine's initiatives constructively he didn't take the opportunity... or put another way he took the bait, and swung in both barrels of his potato gun popping... silly billy, as one of his predecessors might have said.

It's not encouraging when they boys with the conch are described (admirably) by one of their own party as rich toffs who don't know the price of milk, but the opposition can't do better than hoisting smug catapults of fresh dung across the proverbial divide.

Thank God I am an agnostic :-D, especially when it comes to political parties.

I think you ballsed it up, Ed...

...Whatever next...

A pair of celebrity balls, courtesy of gawker blog

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So it's not so easy to find jobs then?

Watching the news today, I almost let a Douglas Hogg moment slip my observation (you know, the Tory minister who force fed his daughter beef burgers on camera in the middle of the Mad Cow episode of way-back-then).
The item was about the government work program to find jobs for people, which they admitted hadn't done as well as they had hoped, as the recession has ambushed them.
Anyway, included was a pastiche where 2 rescued souls were prepped camera-side to evangelise how they had been coached and built up to find themselves jobs, so were eternally grateful...
as postal workers...
... in November/December...
And there beamed Tory minister (what's the point of naming them these days?) cooing over his foundlings...
You can't make it up...
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is The Tide Turning?

As far as politics go, it seems there will be an eternal waxing and waning between the 2 camps of the Westmonster Parliament. It isn't Dave vs Ed though, as it might have been Neil vs Maggie, or Harold vs Ted, the tide is weak, the power of the moon has diminished. These days it seems the UK has upped anchor and found itself in the Mediterranean, so to speak.

So when we hear the reporters talk of 'a wonderful speech', how sceptical we should be. I didn't find Ed Milliband's sermon particularly powerful, but one reporter did say polished. I'll paddle to that.

Yet I can't help thinking of some things that did germinate under Labour, can't help comparing them to the woolly bumblings of pleb sayers (did he or didn't he)  and apologists, and can't help feeling a little prepared to give the shadow 'cheerleaders' (thank you Jeremy Paxman) a round of applause - on balance I think they have it.

The tide maybe has turned, weak though it is.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Apparently these queues are the fault f Ryan Air passengers

That is according to Manchester Airport Security Staff.

Probably because I arrived for my Ryan Air Flight only 75 minutes before the flight...

YouTube Video

Quick tip: if you encounter queues like these and the security tell you they will be calling out flights, just wait at the back and you will be ok, they are lying. Go to the check in desk and get them to stamp you in for the Fast Lane, or else you will miss your flight.

This time apparently the crises were down to the Man Utd game...

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Location:Manchester airport T3

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

BBC News and the Propaganda Machine

When the BBC preaches about democracy in China, complain to trading standards.
When a dialogue is so obviously being interpreted to provide a propagandist narrative, switch it off. They are advertising their license fee right now, why should we pay for politically biased cultural bigotry?

Why am I saying this now? I just saw their latest bullshit frenzy over the Chinese premier's speech, where he apparently called for leadership selection reform. If a premier can make a statement such as this, doesn't that rather mean debate is not so stifled? Why do the BBC report it as if a party zombie has broken ranks and challenged the fabric of a fragile totalitarian system. Lets remind ourselves this is one of the most powerful economic forces on the world right now, where consumer sales are soaring for luxury western goods, and from where our economy has been only too happy to receive cheap consumer goods bonanzas.

Silly, infantile, dreary propagandist reporting Ike this just fucks me off. What kind of leadership China has isn't the point, spoonfed crap from BBC journo-shitgobs is. They should know better.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Too Much Junk Mail

I truly got fed up of having un-recyclable rubbish stuffed through the door to the house, selling bad food from 'establishments' that are one on top of the other, so I created a map to pinpoint all the places that get them printed to promote themselves:

Fast Food Door stuffers - Google Maps

Ultimately, I would like the map to go crazy with contributions - showing just how much of this rubbish is produced, and giving an un-scientific pimple - shot of how much bad quality food is being peddled at us.

Obesity in this country is a growing problem, and I have no doubt these are contributors...

Not to mention that not only is the food unhealthy, but usually its mode of production is unhealthy, and the packaging is low grade.

Any further contributions accepted!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Oops, still broke...

Lift at Manchester Airport...
... Yes, the same 1...

YouTube Video

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Location:Sunbank Ln,Altrincham,United Kingdom

Friday, February 3, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

To blog or not to blog?

Since iOS5 the blog press software er "app" has been preventing fly posting....

This was a test to see if it is fixed since the iOS5.0.1 release...

It wasn't, but that was OK as there was no reason why it should.

... Didn't I change my google password since my last post because my email account was browsed without authorization?

The way we live now: our lives have so many interdependencies since the net made us connection junkies...

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