Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ruth amid the alien gongs

I must admit I don't really know what to say about Ruth Turner getting bonged for the gongs, except there's a couple of smart catchphrases in there.

Maybe this one is just a case of them getting wrong directions on the way to number 10, again, and thinking it was OK to sneak through a private auction fo seats in the House. Why don't they team up with Malcolm Glazier, he seems to know how to get something for a lot and then make the something pa for it all. Maybe they could work out a new tax called vote labour in tax?, use that to make us pay huge amounts for their election campaign and then take all the proceeds from the win, like lecture circuits, holidays abroad at celebrity homes, directorships when they retire from govt, etc. Oh, they already do this. Oh well.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Organic CJD Burgers

When DAFT HEAD Megabland, oh, sorry, this is fact, no need for barely fictitious pseudonyms to avoid legal proceedings, I will startb again.

Gentle Reader,
WHEN David Miliband, the environment secretary, was reported as believing organic food brought no benefit, it reminded me of a certain photo shoot of a conservative minister with his daughter, John Gummer, in which he pushed a beef burger in front of her nose during the BSE crisis back in 1990.

Miliband said: “It’s only 4% of total farm produce, not 40%, and I would not want to say that 96% of our farm produce is inferior because it’s not organic.” The hands of civil servants, the FSA, and the farming lobby in that methinks.

No matter that he has forgotten his future king is one of the largest organic producers in the country, takes it seriously, and does pretty well by it too.

No matter that the Soil Association outlines several benefits for soil, quality of meat and quality of life for the livestock.

From personal experience, I am happy to say I no longer buy tomatoes that taste of fish because chemically that was what they were grown out of, and haven't done for a long time. I can also say that the naturall reared chickens and sheep I ate while living abroad tasted far superior to the crap peddled on supermarket shelves, and I bet you that if you ask anyone who was brought up in a country where you are very likely not going to eat food produced by intensive arming methods, they will tell you the very food Miliband is defending is bland in taste and texture.

So why is he being advised to say something that is so debatably untrue? And why is he listening to the advice?

Mr Gummer looked pretty undignified a the time, so when is some of the teflon coating finally going to let down some of the good politicians in the current government when they talk such dubious propaganda?