Wednesday, March 14, 2012

BBC News and the Propaganda Machine

When the BBC preaches about democracy in China, complain to trading standards.
When a dialogue is so obviously being interpreted to provide a propagandist narrative, switch it off. They are advertising their license fee right now, why should we pay for politically biased cultural bigotry?

Why am I saying this now? I just saw their latest bullshit frenzy over the Chinese premier's speech, where he apparently called for leadership selection reform. If a premier can make a statement such as this, doesn't that rather mean debate is not so stifled? Why do the BBC report it as if a party zombie has broken ranks and challenged the fabric of a fragile totalitarian system. Lets remind ourselves this is one of the most powerful economic forces on the world right now, where consumer sales are soaring for luxury western goods, and from where our economy has been only too happy to receive cheap consumer goods bonanzas.

Silly, infantile, dreary propagandist reporting Ike this just fucks me off. What kind of leadership China has isn't the point, spoonfed crap from BBC journo-shitgobs is. They should know better.

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