Sunday, February 26, 2012

Too Much Junk Mail

I truly got fed up of having un-recyclable rubbish stuffed through the door to the house, selling bad food from 'establishments' that are one on top of the other, so I created a map to pinpoint all the places that get them printed to promote themselves:

Fast Food Door stuffers - Google Maps

Ultimately, I would like the map to go crazy with contributions - showing just how much of this rubbish is produced, and giving an un-scientific pimple - shot of how much bad quality food is being peddled at us.

Obesity in this country is a growing problem, and I have no doubt these are contributors...

Not to mention that not only is the food unhealthy, but usually its mode of production is unhealthy, and the packaging is low grade.

Any further contributions accepted!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Oops, still broke...

Lift at Manchester Airport...
... Yes, the same 1...

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Sunbank Ln,Altrincham,United Kingdom

Friday, February 3, 2012