Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sweeney Todd The Brownie

Tim Burton and Johnnie Depp done themselves proud again with their new release, ably aided and abetted by Helena Bonham Carter. Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street is due for general release in the UK 25th January, but not to be upstaged by the Hollywood Dream Machine Dr. Gordon Brown has ideas of his own for all our body parts.

Yes.  MR. Brown has decided not only should we pay all our earnings to the government, smokers pay tax to the NHS, drinkers and drivers too, but they own our body parts also whether we choose it or not.  Don't be fooled.  What starts as an option will eventually become compulsory, and once we are all criminalised by the plethora of laws they have passed in their short but oh too long 10 years, they will be able to match DNA files up for candidates to keep themselves alive forever.  And if they don't need them, there's always someone who will arrive, plead poverty and oppression, get GIVEN a nice big house some of you might may have been waiting for for years, and then help themselves to you heart, lungs, and liver, maybe once you're deal if you are lucky, under the NHS you have been paying taxes for for years, but couldn't get an appointment under for your by now chronic condition.

Hey, I have a preventative proposition of my own: 

Soon to come: The New Labour remake of THE BODY SNATCHERS.

Be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID.