Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is The Tide Turning?

As far as politics go, it seems there will be an eternal waxing and waning between the 2 camps of the Westmonster Parliament. It isn't Dave vs Ed though, as it might have been Neil vs Maggie, or Harold vs Ted, the tide is weak, the power of the moon has diminished. These days it seems the UK has upped anchor and found itself in the Mediterranean, so to speak.

So when we hear the reporters talk of 'a wonderful speech', how sceptical we should be. I didn't find Ed Milliband's sermon particularly powerful, but one reporter did say polished. I'll paddle to that.

Yet I can't help thinking of some things that did germinate under Labour, can't help comparing them to the woolly bumblings of pleb sayers (did he or didn't he)  and apologists, and can't help feeling a little prepared to give the shadow 'cheerleaders' (thank you Jeremy Paxman) a round of applause - on balance I think they have it.

The tide maybe has turned, weak though it is.

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