Saturday, September 8, 2007

and While we are o the Viral marketing Tip...

You are on the verge of a great meandering rant, ladies and gentlemen, because we have a recycling dilemma.
Let's face it now, there are amongst other things 2 things in this country that prevent us from being green:
  1. Infrastructure
  2. The authorities that manage or control it.
How outrageous that we should have to pay mad rates of petrol and car tax, and then not even have the kind of tarmac on our roads that prevents us from being doused in the spray from the rain that stopped falling. Christ! What we get charged the toilets in the service stations should be made of bone china and our dicks wiped by fawning concubines with fantasy proportions when we are done, and you ladies out there who are motorists, I am sure you can think of something similar that you should be placated with after a hard ride on the road!!
What has this got to do with green? MY POINT IS INFRASTRUCTURE...

One for the Road...
The Highways Agency takes a small fortune off us to dig hole and fill them in again, and then they don't even spend the right kind of money on the surfacing to reduce accidents, congestion and therefore carbon emissions. The motor car does account for some carbon, but the road works and congestion through poor management account for most of that I am sure.
Most other countries make use of every kind of transport means for their goods and services, but we seem obliged to use the roads. And who controls the infrastructure? Why aren't the waterways commercially developed and exploited? Why on this island that we are, can't we use the water around us for transport more efficiently? I haven't researched this, but I know there must be something in it...

And then there's the 'Real World'
And most of you who then say, all wise and noddingly patronising, "Ah yes, but in the ideal world that is all very good, and as we all know..." You should go to hell in a handcart!! Most of you who think like that are already dead in the heart and sycophants to the court!! I get to hear this a lot from people who love their bitterness and use it to define them, so comfortable in their prison of regret and cynical despair they think they have it made. Don't listen to these guys. The truth is most things are usually being done better somewhere else.

Who runs the show?
I guess that is pretty obvious where that leaves the authorities, from the local council who take the money from the supermarkets that produce the goods wrapped in useless packaging, we then have to pay to dispose of. And what does the small business do in all this, who had been paying their business rates all this time, only to be told their part of town was being put out of business. There have been enough satires of this to make my point for me. So who is the council doing it for?

But Who Pays the Ferryman?
I thought they were supposed to be elected by the people for the people...

So why are they watching the people go out of business, then having them throw out consumer rubbish from supermarkets who put them out of business, and then telling the poor downtrodden people that as the council hasn't been properly dealing with the refuse they were charging for all these years, there is now a crisis that we all have to pay more tax for!!!

And blow me if at the same time they don't start selling off the allotment space ( BBC News)we may have otherwise started growing our own food on...

And how do these council allied supermarkets get all the goods they sell? On the poorly maintained roads. These are roads we have paid for by the way, but that we can't use to leave a car outside our own house because nowadays if we haven't gotten road tax it will be carted off, destroyed, and us billed!!!

And why haven't we all got driveways and garages to store our vehicles, and gardens we can grow our own food in?

Because even as the councils are INDISCRIMINATELY carrying off our cars and taxing us for the rubbish their policies have encouraged us to produce, they are still for the greed of it letting the construction industry build houses that are too close together so there isn't the room, they are technologically behind the continent by more than 20 years, and without a driveway or garage that we now need to have by virtue of the authorities' own laws.
A serviceman serving in Iraq had his car towed and crushed because he wasn't there to renew his road tax!!!

So when a government lab and their commercial partner allow the infrastructure to deteriorate to such a degree that their viruses leak out into our surroundings from a poorly maintained disposal drain, simply because they couldn't agree on who should spend the money, DON'T THAT JUST SAY IT ALL?

But, of course, it must have been sabotage (The Telegraph)...
...I will leave you all to decide on that one, I have already laughed it out of court.

Can I say it? Yes:

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are OFFICIALLY living in a SICK COUNTRY!