Friday, March 30, 2007

What didn't I say about the PROPAGANDA AFFAIR

Yesterday I wrote about the proaganda machine in operation through the British Press, and the fact that British Servicemen, and the British public, have been caught up in a propaganda incident outside of the bare facts of what happened to them.


My blog wasn't supposed to be a balanced comment, as it was a reaction beyond the limits of my patience at the blatant propaganda games being played, and a hit directly at the lack of objective reporting.

I completely ignored mention of the Iranian perspective, because I didn't want to peel off and go through the multivarious onion layers of the circumstances of the affair.

But frankly I think I should put that straight now.

An Iranian commentator was on BBC News 24 yesterday with a perfectly valid point, and he seemed to be the only view that they had tried to acquire from within Iran.

He provided a simply analogy, which I am going to summarise without exploring how appropriate or valid it is, but with the comment that at least any half informed thinker should consider it:

If Syria were to send a task force from the Middle East to Ireland, during the worst of the Troubles, invade Ireland to impose their solution, and then patrol threateningly with a battle group around British Coastal Waters, Britain might get a little nervous and defensive.

For another point of view, today I used blog search to see how my blog had rated on the search-o-meter. Not famously, but what did asides come up
was a deal of other opinions on propaganda, media treatment of Iran, and a snapshot of opinion from inside Iran which I think people should read from Officialy me!!!'s Iranian Thoughts (I don't know where the second 'l' went in officialy - you will have to ask Shahab). To you, Shahab, I say thanks.

For an alternative, polarised 'Western dissident' view on things, look to Chimes of Freedom and ask yourselves what is the environment that makes educated people be so radicalised in their pessimism about their homeland?


Shahab said...

thanks a lot ...

Rory Winter said...

Hi Gigamac. Thanks for your comments at Chimes of Freedom. Your question, made here, really makes the point, what is it that radicalises people?

As I wrote in Chimes, I was radicalised about the British government at a very young age and then again by some frightened old men who chose to blacklist me and deny me work in my chosen profession nearly forty years ago.

You are also right that people with views like mine have nowhere to go except the Net. We comprise the Great Marginalised.

As I write, I can hear in the background the revolting propaganda being churned-out incessantly on BBC 24. Soviet-style state propaganda which does nothing but increase the cynicism of the British public.

The BBC and the Mainstream Media behave without shame. Only yesterday I wrote an angry letter to Channel Four News accusing them of having reached a new low in news whoring by choosing John 'Bonkers' Bolton as the voice of America on the 7 O'clock News.

I've given up trying to reason with the BBC, Channel Four and the media, choosing the verbal Molotov Cocktails instead. These people are beyond reason. They are only interested in themselves.And they only understand extreme reactions. They are incapable of reform.

So, as any old Tory will tell you: where there is no reform there is only revolution. Roll on the Revolution!